The Role from Within : La Cle
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  • Industry: Fashion
  • Category: Social Media
  • Client: La Cle Jewelry
  • Website Link:
  • Highlight: over 2,000 Instagram likes and over 15,000 views
  • Description
This past January, we helped La Clé launch its UNLOCKED PROJECT. The Unlocked Project celebrates 12 influential female athletes, including World Cup champions and 2016 Olympic participants (Ali Krieger, Megan Rapinoe), who are revered as positive role models within the women’s soccer community. We created a video for each of these athletes, with one video being released at the beginning of each month in 2016. Each video shares a powerful personal story from each athlete and promotes the purchasing of a custom fashion key where proceeds will be donated to a charity. These videos were then shared on multiple social media networks, including YouTube, Vimeo, Instagram, and Facebook, which has so far attracted over 2,000 Instagram likes and over 15,000 views.