A Tale from the Tunes: Pinqy Ring
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  • Industry: Entertainment
  • Category: Web & Social Media
  • Client: Pinqy Ring
  • Highlight: 400% increase in social media engagement, web traffic, and album downloads
  • Website Link: www.pinqyring.com
  • Description
Chicago musician Pinqy Ring turned to us to launch and optimize a new website promoting her new hit single and album, “Her Story.” Under a three and a half week timeline, we were able develop a new site with customized artwork that told her story in which she shared through her music. We made each track of her album downloadable through her website, created a RSS feed of all her social media activities so her fans could keep track and created a compelling call-to-action on each page, which increased social media follower engagement, web traffic, and album downloads by over 400%.